Andrana's Centre for Mind, Body & Spirit
Moortown, Leeds | Tel: 0790 961 0437

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Reiki Level’s 1, 2, 3 & Master Teacher

In the Usui System of Natural Healing, a person attending a Reiki course receives what are called “attunements” or “initiations” that help open them to receiving more of this energy through the laying on of hands.

There are various stages of energy amplifications, which is why Reiki is divided into 4 degrees or stages. During Dr. Usui’s time students would travel with him and slowly become initiated over a period of years into various levels of energy through the attunements process until they could also become teachers.

During this centaury, the division of attunements into degrees has made it easier to differentiate the various stages of initiation. Before completing each successive step or degree, it is good to allow one-self an adequate period of time to adjust to a newer and higher frequency, which occurs with the practice of Reiki. It is also very important to allow enough time to master and understand the skills of each succeeding level before proceeding to the next. Optimally, one should use the First Degree at least 3 months before proceeding to the Second Degree. It is essential to be fully aware of all potential associated with each attunement and learn how to use it and get familiar with it. It is necessary to wait after the Second Level before considering the Third Degree (The Master Practioner Level) and then again wait for a further period of time before you embark on the Master Teacher Level. Quite a few people have in recent years, excited by the amazing results of Reiki, have rushed through the degrees, cheating themselves out of a very rich process. Reiki, is to be experienced slowly and not rushed, so that you do not miss it’s very important essence.

Reiki levels 1, 2, 3 & Master are 2 day courses each